Hey folks!
I've been very lazy with my gear blogging recently after getting very busy at work over christmas and spending a lot of time sorting out my new band! Now that the dust is beginning to settle I'm feeling the inspiration to spout endless nonsense about gear again!
All being well I'll be writing about once a week and if there is anything you want to see me write about then why not drop an email at typwrtr@hotmail.co.uk and I'll add it to my list!
Now then, down to business... Over the last few weeks I've been aquiring a few pedals in an effort to get my new rig ready for my bands impending debut performance on the 4th of April, yesterday I aquired a T-Rex Tone Trunk 55 Pedal Board which is a handy slatted metal rack which sits in a well padded gig bag. The board itself is angled and as well as having lots of room for your pedals has plenty of space to route your patch and power cabling thus creating a much easier board to chop, change and maintain!
If any of you have seen the Pedal Train boards it's essentially exactly the same thing, perhaps exactly the same thing but beige. I don't have a problem with beige, honest.
Clicking on the picture at the top of this post should expand my pedalboard for all of you to see its gloriusness. In signal order we are running into an Ernie Ball Wah followed by an Artec Pedal Tuner (it's awful, I have a korg pitchblack on order...) into the Morpheus Droptune for pitch dropping octave fun and then to the T-Rex Dr. Swamp 2 channel distortion which I now leave on 90% of the time and use the volume knob on my guitar for different levels of gain.
After this we hit the swirlyness of my trusty, battle worn Electro Harmonix Small Stone Phaser (I've tried more expensive phasers, much more expensive and this is still my favourite) which then runs into the MXR Carbon Copy before arriving at the newest pedal in my collection and despite it's tiny size possibly the one I paid the most for the FANTABULOUS Malekko Chicklet Reverb MORE OF WHICH can be found out in my next blog.
Until then blog fans, questions, comments, heresies all welcome.
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