Those boffins at Orange have done it again. Not content with making quite frankly, some of the best guitar and bass amplifiers on the market today they have now announced that they will be launching their first Windows based PC in June.
The legendary London amplifier manufacturers have founded a subsidiary company called OMEC Personal Computers Ltd and will be fusing a PC that boasts... well, who cares WHEN YOU HAVE A COMPUTER THAT YOU CAN PLUG YOUR GUITAR INTO AND ROCK OUT. Just think of it, you're playing unreal tournament and you just frag some asshole that's been camping with a rocket launcher for four hours and as your screen is filled with a shower of his or her gibbed remains you whip out your favourite rock pig and bust out a sick-ass solo which you'll probably upload to youtube. Awesome.
Seriously though Orange have stated that the specs of the first machine will be as follows; 4GB DDR2 RAM, 500GB Hard Drive, Intel chips, Windows 7 x64 home premium, 8 x USB2.0 ports, is Wi-Fi enabled and has an integrated GeForce 9300 graphics card with an optional dedicated ATI 5670 512MB card for those who may want to play a few games while they put their guitars down. The best thing about this is that it looks like the guitar input will allow you to record straight to your computer and there is going to be recording and amp modelling software pre installed on the machine.
I'll post more news on this as I hear it, exciting times.
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